Friday, December 9, 2016

Take me to church

I'm no Castle expert, but I instantly felt this MOC by newcomer don leopold brings something new to the table. It has a different feel than a lot of Castle builds I've blogged before, although I couldn't for the life of me tell you what it is. Maybe any Castleheads reading this can elaborate...
We've seen the 1x1-cylinder-for-roofing technique before, but it works really nicely here. The trees and stone wall are well built and fit nicely into the scene. My favorite aspect of the build is the excellent use of SNOT and greebles to achieve the look of crumbling, paint-worn walls; it's some of the most natural-looking I've seen in a Castle build. Also note the NPU for the bell - can you tell what those pieces are?


Unknown said...

Thanks for the nice review of my MOC !!
The pieces i used for the bell are the pearl gold helmet from Asoka of set 7571 "The fight for the dagger" from the Prince of Persia.
And in it i used a black lever as the bell-clapper confirmed with a string.

Don Leopold

Tate said...

Thought so :)